- Journal + pen / markers
- Music (optional)
- Consider doing this practice alongside your child at first. Eventually, when they are familiar with it, it can become a solo practice.
- Put on some worship music (optional).
- Limit distractions. Find a quiet spot and turn phones to silent.
- Set a timer. Start small (5-10 mins) to aim for wins.
- Explain the practice to your child. You could say something like this: "This journal is just for you and God. No one else will read it unless you invite them to.
Think of it as your way to say anything you want to God. Tell him what you’re thinking
about. Ask him questions. Talk to him like you would talk to a friend. Then, listen. I believe God speaks to us, not usually in an audible voice, but often in
our minds and thoughts. If you think God is saying something back to you as you write,
write down what you hear. If you’re unsure whether it’s actually God speaking to you,
feel free to show it to me and we can talk about it. "
- Open and close the time with prayer.
- When you are finished, share about your experience + ask about theirs (but do not require that they share).