- Stones
- Bible
- Sharpies (optional)
Note: This practice can be done as a one-time experience (such as around the Thanksgiving table) or as a repeated practice (daily during the month of November, for example).
- Help kids to understand the significance: Those stones used to be underwater! How did they get on dry land? God held the water back! So the people built an altar (a big pile) with those stones to remind themselves of what God did, and to remember to give thanks.
- Invite everyone to choose a stone, and to think of one thing they'd like to thank God for.
- Optional: use sharpies to label the stones with these thanksgivings.
- One by one, invite family members to lay their stones on the table/floor (wherever your altar is being constructed) and to give thanks to God out loud as they place their stone.
- Close in prayer. Thank God for his goodness, power, and provision.